This week's U.S. Grains Council Chart of the Week shows that U.S. exports and outstanding sales in the first several months of the current corn marketing year have more than doubled since the same time period of the previous year and have already exceeded the accumulated total sales of the 2012/2013 marketing year.
In the first four months of the 2012/2013 corn marketing year, U.S. exports and outstanding sales totaled 13.2 million metric tons (520 million bushels) compared to 29.5 million tons (1.2 billion bushels) so far this year. At the end of the last marketing year, accumulated U.S. exports and outstanding sales totaled 18.9 million tons (744 million bushels).
This chart shows separate slices for combined exports and outstanding sales for the top 10 U.S. markets with a separate slice for the next 10 markets (11-20) and one slice for 'others' which all other markets. Almost all markets have purchased more U.S. corn this year, with Mexico in the lead, followed by China and Japan. The slice titled "unknown" shows reported sales and exports to undisclosed destinations.